Brooke's crusade of The Thank You Fairy is an Easter story in every way. From death and darkness to Resurrection and glory... it's all there and a massive blessing for us all.
I don't have an accurate count, but I know that Caroline and I are over 300 stories so far. Every ONE is an amazing experience. I have the story down to a minute and when I first walk up to somebody, they think I'm nuts...ok Caroline agrees.... I tell them that I have a story for them.... and you should see the look in their eyes... There is a kid in all of us and I've seen it everytime... it's like they're saying.. story time.. gee ok.... some tough guys try to hold onto a macho thing, but they break too and they still want to hear. I only had to chase down one woman who was in a hurry and I said, You gotta hear this the end, she was crying and thanking me all over the place.
One minute that massively impacts somebody. When I get to the part where I turn the tables on them and say, "there is something you need to be thanked for, I don't know what it is, but YOU do and the Thank You Fairy does, so on behalf of the Thank You Fairy, YOU are thanked".. that's when you see the transformation of their heart and that is when you will SEE JESUS, live and in person. Women Cry, Men cry, tough guys cry, busy people cry, everyone, and I mean everyone thanks me. It is a moment that is burned in my mind when I see their spirt lifted through the look in their eyes.
All of the stories are magificent, but I want to share one specifically. God told me that this crusade is HIS and cuts across every human group, affiliation, religion etc... So He wanted to show Caroline and I that it was the case. We were in Sam's club and we had TYF'd a Grandma and her grandkids and then were around the frozen food section where they do food demos. They were giving away a paring knife for some reason and the crowd was gathering. It was kinda funny and I commented out loud, "a paring knife, oh boy, oh boy", made several people laugh.
Off to our left a beautiful young woman with the most striking blue eyes and the Islamic head wrap was working her way past us. She was laughing at what I said and as I moved my cart away from hers, God said... OK big boy, throw it on her.... So I said, Hey, I have a story for you...... she looked at me with those eyes and listened. As I made my way through the story I felt God touching her heart and I felt her compassion in her eyes. Caroline was captivated as well. When I finished, she was taken back and said, Thank you, it is a beautiful story and in my religion, we say that if you don't thank people, you are ignoring God! she also said,I pray to God for you to have Patience. Wow! for those of you who know the story (read it on the link above) you will see that God's scripture for us in this whole deal is, still and know that I am God, Psalm 45:10. And now, we have a muslim tell us the same thing. We visited for a while and and had a really cool conversation.
We thanked each other and parted. As Caroline and I walked away, we just looked at each other and were speachless. When we finally talked, we both said something to the effect... great...that just blew our whole reality of muslums. And then, I know for a fact... beyond a doubt, that Brooke was up there saying Yeah! That's exactly what we need to have guys see and experience. That's the message here.
This REALLY can change the world, one thank you at a time.